Dr. Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy, Head of Department, Associate Professor, graduated from Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPKE) in 2010 as a lawyer, then obtained a French law degree from Panthéon-Assas Paris II and Paris Saclay Universities, where he specialised in telecommunications and space law. He holds an MBA from the University of Lyon III and a PhD from the Doctoral School of Law of the PPKE, where he studied legal issues of online platforms. Since 2018, he has been teaching at the University of Public Service. He is an Associate Professor, Head of the Institute for Space Law and Policy Research and Head of the Ludovika Fencing Department. His research interests include electronic communications law, new media law and space law, on which he teaches Hungarian, English and French at universities in Hungary and abroad. Balázs Bartóki-Gönczy has been a member of the Media Council since December 2021.
National Space Legislation in the New Space Era – Trends, Challenges
2023.05.12. 14:15
Plenary Tent